Sunday, May 12, 2019

Problem-solution essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Problem-solution - Essay ExampleTheir conduct was a result of the severe psychological problems developed in result of unfriendly treatment by their classmates. The tragedy occurred with David and capital of Minnesota is not just a unique case that should be recognized as an accident. However, this accident could provoke been avoided if both boys had enough decent parental care, if there were developed effective friendly programs against income and racial inequalities and government bodies have restricted the gun control legislation.The accident could have been avoided if both boys had proper parental care and awareness of their sons. Lack of proper parental care was one of the main problems that have caused the tragedy at the public high school, attended by David and Paul. Parents had to try to understand this issue and hand more caution to their children, increase their parental care and awareness. While Paul and David were adolescents age, they needed more attention from the closest people, who would be able to understand their problems. Even though the parents of these teenagers were not directly mentioned in the case, their verificatory participation or better to say lack of parental participation in the lives of their children was a captious point. First of all, parents are the people who should listen to their children, maintain them and help to solve their problems. Considering this parental responsibility, Davids and Pauls parents had to resolve the psychological problems of their sons by taking effective measures. They could speak by their own with sons, support them and give useful advice, provide them with a psychological support and optimism. If this failed to work, there was an alternative to hire a specially trained psychologist, with experience in working with adolescents. Also, Davids and Pauls parents could take a decision to change school and thus to relieve boys from the unfriendly social treatment. However, neither David nor Paul

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